Recommended Pre-Reading: Take Good Care

We Interrupt this Programming is purposefully disruptive—we aim for thoughtful K-12 education that is bravely willing to interrupt the ways our society has been conditioned to not notice and not object to everyday violences that we frequently (un)knowingly witness, experience, or perpetuate. Like most things that are disruptive, this project can also be unsettling and disturbing. also know that trauma can be re-experienced through encounters that may seem benign to outsiders, or even surprising to us. 

We do not attempt to “trauma proof” this work, because we do not think that is possible or productive. Instead, we attempt to be trauma-aware and trauma-informed. Doing so means we trust in the agency, professionalism, and wisdom of all those who engage in this work with us (even if it is just a temporary visit to this website). We encourage everyone to please take care, seek out the resources provided on this website or others that are available to you, and engage at a level that works for you in the moment. Sometimes you will be able to lean into the work, sometimes you will need to lean out.

Like Ahmed (2017), we remain committed to our stance that it can be powerful and empowering when educators offer a critical lens for seeing things differently and naming the mechanism and strategies often used to shame, silence, isolate, or make the people posing, experiencing, and/or surviving the problems into the problems. Being part of confronting GBSV can be part of moving with and moving through trauma in ways that are healing for ourselves and others. It can be helpful to be in a collaborative feminist space where we can be curious and furious, vulnerable and empowered, sad and hopeful all at the same time—knowing we are not alone in our emotions or in our advocacy. However, we know that for this work to be educative it needs to be done with what bell hooks (2001) describes as an ethic of love, centred on the dimensions of “care, commitment, trust, responsibility, respect, and knowledge” (p.94). 

This is still an emerging research and pedagogical project, so this website will be frequently updated with new resources. We have provided a few links to resources here for anyone who would benefit from further information and supports.

Manitoba Services

Manitoba You Are Not Alone Sexual Violence Resource

Klinic Community Health

Klinic Sexual Assault Crisis Line:

24-Hour crisis: 1-888-292-7565


TTY: 204-784-4097

Domestic Violence in Manitoba Resources and Supports

24-Hour Crisis Line: 1-888-977-0007

Women and Gender Equity Manitoba